Responsibility Matters
Here at Sorla we believe that alcoholic beverages should be enjoyed responsibly and only by those of legal drinking age. We believe in leading by example and setting the standard for responsible consumption.
Drink Only If You Are Of Legal Age
Alcohol has severe, negative impacts on adolescent brain development. Don’t give alcohol to minors, or partake in alcoholic beverages if you are under 18 years of age. It can wait! The earlier children drink, the greater the chance of becoming alcohol dependent.
Don't Drink And Drive
Remember there is no blood alcohol allowed limit when you're driving. We all know that conventional wisdom can be wrong, though, and sometimes wildly so. Intoxication begins with the very first drink. You should never drink and drive, no matter how much you’ve consumed.
Eat Food While You Drink
It is particularly good to eat high protein foods such as cheese and peanuts, which help to slow the absorption of alcohol into the circulatory system. Many cultures consume alcohol only with food to prevent various problems. Eating before and while drinking, helps slow down your body’s absorption of alcohol.
Drink Water While You Drink
Drinking water in between alcoholic beverages is always a smart choice. Though water doesn't slow down your body’s absorption of alcohol, it does spread out the time between alcoholic beverages. Although, remember that water won't make you any less drunk or protect your liver.
Plan Your Drinking
Never drive to a drinking event. If you are drinking away from home, be sure to have a plan on how to get home safely before you start drinking. If you plan to ride use public transportation it is a good idea to travel with a friend for added safety. Never drink and drive, no matter the amount.
Pace Your Drinks
The average human body metabolizes one standard drink of alcohol per hour. Drinking no more than one standard drink per hour will keep one from becoming very buzzed. Drinking two standard drinks per hour will keep the buzz level low. Pace your intake of alcoholic beverages, because drinking more alcohol in shorter time frames increases your blood level of alcohol.
Say No To Others Pressure
Telling others to drink alcoholic beverages is never appropriate. Whether you are the one being pressured or are the one pressuring others, remember that everyone drinks at their own pace. Keep a bottled drink like a soda or iced tea with you to drink at parties. People will be less likely to pressure you to drink alcohol if you’re already drinking something.
Know If You Have A Problem
Realising you have a problem with alcohol is the first big step to getting help.
If you are concerned about your drinking tendencies, or feeling like you cannot stop drinking, or would like more support, please reach out to us and join our support group.
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